Unpopular opinion but hear me out:
Reach out to reachable Trump people. Not the ones who have locked themselves into racism and hate.
They're gone.
But a person you know afraid to go against their community or family you think can be reached?
Take a little time and try. /1
This election will be won with massive turn out.
New voters. Voters who stayed home in 2016. Knocking on doors, phone banking, raising money. These are priorities.
But there are people who I think don't want to fight neighbors, family.
Take a nano-second.
Give 'em a push. /2
Take a LITTLE time to find that person who was reasonable once and maybe has been scared, or targeted or lied to and try.
It's not your priority, it's a side-project.
Find one or two.
You'll know if they're movable quickly.
If they won't move, then it's back to the big stuff.
Think of it as door knocking to remind someone the world used to be less mean. Appeal on a personal level they vote Biden and blue. And why.
Republicans are running on fear.
Try to be logic, truth and decency to someone you think will hear you.
You may fail.
And then?
Then use the other 99% of your activist time and all your righteous anger, justified fury and disgust at what Trump and the GOP have done fight for Biden/Harris and save this country.
Take the oval.
Flip the senate.
Protect the house.
But if you know one person you can reach.
If we all did that.
At the very least, you've probably made someone a better kinder person and that has ripple effects.
Just a suggestion, nothing more on a day I'm hoping or a little hope.
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