A soapbox thread. I'm gonna try to get into some of your heads this morning & stir that critical thinking machine awake. Here's the thought. The left claims that RBG's dying deathbed wish was for her seat to be held open until after the election. She passed away of cancer. Think
She was most likely under hospice care in the time leading up to her death. Cancer is a horrible painful way to die. Nurses ease that transition with powerful pain meds that make you sleep. As your time draws nearer, you may have a rally where you awaken and talk but typically
You're confused. Even if you are lucid, your thoughts will most likely be on family. As fleeting as this moment is, you soon return to sleep. Your extremities mottle, your breathing shallows. Hospice administers liquid morphine hourly by spraying it into your open mouth until
you cease breathing. And you pass. As morbid as all this sounds, it's designed to make the patient as comfortable as possible. Family members are given roles too. They are instructed to keep conversation light and to let the person know that everything is ok and they can pass in
peace. Now I'm not saying that she didn't make a deathbed request. What I am saying is to use your brain and think about the likelihood that she and her family instead spoke of love and gratitude and that maybe this deathbed wish is just another leftist talking point. Fin
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