So, this is not the account I usually use, but I figured if anything is worth posting on my Real Boy Man Twitter, it is this. I got my #TMA tattoo last week. A friend did it for me, and it turned out amazing! I'd like to specify why I got this tattoo, though, so buckle in.
I discovered The Magnus Archives while I was very sick. We're talking "thought I was going to die" levels of ill. At the time, everything hurt. Sitting, moving, laying down. I couldn't sleep due to the shakes. I couldn't keep down food. I couldn't even magange to watch TV.
All I could do was listen to podcasts. It was the only activity that didn't cause me discomfort. So I picked this podcast up on a whim, considering I love horror, and I fell in love instantly. It was so well written and engaging, the sound scapes were wonderful, the characters
were complex. And the horror was really well done. Tasteful, genuine horror the way I like it. I binged it. Then I binged it again. Then I introduced my wife to it. Then I finally figured out what was making me sick and got better. In the time since then, I've really come to
respect the company and the creator and everyone involved. There are a lot of good things I could say, but this thread is already getting on the long side. I've recently had two major life upsets that I won't delve too deeply in to, but the result of these was a need to do a
little bit of self reclamation. I've loved Anika Khan's designs since the moment I laid eyes on them, and somehow choosing to put one on my body felt like a very fitting choice. In a way, this is me owning my own fear, taking myself back and flipping my own script.
This podcast helped me through a tremendously difficult time. It's projected to end on my birthday next year. This felt like the right move and I wanted to share.
You can follow @bleetdamage.
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