So contrary to what I said yesterday I will make a (short) thread about this. #SuperMario3DAllStars #NintendoSwitch
Started playing this while dinner is in preparation and gotta say.. those gravity shenanigans mess with your brain. Hard.
And yes you guessed that right, I have never played this or Galaxy 2 before.
Anyways idk how many posts this thread will have, if any. But we will see. Idk how long this game will occupy me after all.
I barely gathered 20 stars and some of the levels in this game already drive me crazy lol. But it's the good kind. So far it's challenging but not unfair or impossible to the point if frustration, so good!
By the way i am still (slowly) making my way through this game. It's not my priority, it's more of a game for a quick play session because it boots so fast and then i can play a few levels and put it down again, perfect for the Switch I might add.
I currently have 32 stars after more than 5 hours of play time according to my Switch. That being said, the reason I am even reviving this thread at all is to say two things, most importantly I HATE THE SWIMMING IN THIS GAME IT SUCKS WHY CAN'T I CONTROL THE CAMERA UNDER WATER
At the same time Ice Mario is Italian Plumber Elsa and extremely fun to play around with.
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