Domination culture never ends at gender, race or religion. Authoritarians and fascists like Trump, like the GOP, like MAGA, like white nationalists need every single human being subjugated, under the boot, fearful. They come for everyone sooner or later including their own base.
The laughable ideologies of racial or religious purity aren’t actually the point of authoritarianism. The bullying, control and domination of others is the point. Self perpetuating trauma created in domination based authoritarian cultures plays out over and over generationally.
The need to inflict trauma on others by fascists, white nationalists and authoritarians requires a perpetual outlet. No amount of conformity by their targets to racial, religious or political ideologies will be enough for them to stop committing violence. Violence is the point.
The need to bully and harm others is fused into authoritarians by their own history of trauma. For men, admitting they even have a history of trauma exposes them to loss of status, more bullying. So their only outlet is to dominate others, even those from their own tribe, family.
This is why authoritarians, fascists like Trump, MAGA, the new GOP will always turn on those close to them. Because dominance is its own reward. Trust, political consistency, religious integrity, reliably, community, all these things fail to dominate others and so are of no value
Any one who thinks you can join Trump's authoritarian wave and gain status or power, is choosing to ride the tiger. "Those who ride the tiger eventually end up in the belly of the tiger." And to be clear about this metaphor, Trump is also riding the tiger. The tiger is chaos.
Vote Biden. Save our republic. Get to work now to raise money, plan your vote, and volunteer. Otherwise, sooner or later, the proud boys will be kicking in all our doors. And that is NOT an exaggeration. That is the ugly truth.
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