White people, not only is your “setting aside differences” with bigoted white conservatives you’re friends with not heartwarming/aspirational. It’s harmful. It’s a huge reason for this current moment. Your failure to hold each other accountable re: bigotry has stoked all of this.
And let’s be clear. You’re not “setting aside” shit when you befriend and love other white people who are racist. You’re befriending them because at the end of the day, when the curtains are drawn, the shoes are off and the wine is poured, you’re not bothered by racism. Period. https://twitter.com/danblackroyd/status/1307673846443466752
And by the way. It is your right to do this. To be this. No one can stop you. You will face no professional, personal or societal consequences for it. But what you’re not going to do is turn around and try to sell me your complicity in the face of white racism as virtue. Fuck you
You can follow @danblackroyd.
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