
Yeah, I pretty much agree.

Imperial Space Marine Nationalism is a great long term goal, but we need to take baby steps at the moment.

Heck, we aren't even crawling yet. https://twitter.com/arnelsmom/status/1307656308632453121

I think Spencer's concern is that without our sights explicitly set on Imperialism, we will get distracted and never accomplish anything great.

I certainly see the wisdom in this.

The counter argument to being explicit about Imperialism that I've seen Parrott make, is that we aren't in power, our enemies are, and they are successfully making the argument that Whites are inherently evil and need to be wiped out.

And by explicitly arguing for imperialism, we are helping them make that argument.

Parrott thinks that we need to be making the moral argument that Whites have a right to survive.

Both Spencer and Parrott make good points.

I think Parrott makes more sense here, but I greatly respect both men and I'm not looking for a fight.
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