With the —as always—exception of Boston, these are PRECISELY the communities that were to receive the bulk of the new funding.

To completely not mention that avoids the degree to which a shared state responsibility is falling on districts to cope with as best they can
...and ultimately, children take the brunt of it.
There are ways in which districts—my own very much included—fail their kids.
But the Globe team seems to have this habit of missing state (in this case it’s legislative) responsibility.
Or as I have said to @Alexander before, the connection to the public policy issue.
We should be appalled by this inequity across our state. And it does have to do with the inequities in how the pandemic has hit communities.
But to fail to note that there are decades of inequities in the state’s approach to funding schooling misses the degree to which responsibility is shared.
To tell these stories this way allows the Globe readers in Boston’s leafy suburbs to tsk-tsk those cities for not caring about those kids and avoid that responsibility lands on their doorstep, too. #mapoli
And please note @SchlFinance101’s tweets: https://twitter.com/schlfinance101/status/1307660035745603584
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