Want to talk about bits because as someone who publicly campaigned for X passports and governmental recognition, after speaking with people and reading further it's actually an issue that can endanger us further, as well as not necessarily prompting social change - (1)
Campaigning for X passports began from a point of personal pain at realising our institutions don't work for us. It was a shock, and a privileged shock. But reading further into it, and reading more about the news this week on making misogyny a hate crime (2)
Aligning an identity, or in the misogyny case, a prejudice with an institution such as the CJS or the police, or in the X passports case the home office and government, doesn't tackle the issue but places the control and power into the hands of those who are aren't equipped
Allowing GNC and non binary people to self identify on passports is great for some, but not for all. Many of us, myself included, do not want to be essentially controlled or allowed to identify by powers at be that are transphobic still. The institutions are transphobic.
Them allowing us to identity doesn't mean they're not, it just means we are more easily able to exist within their system, and be rooted further inside. It's performative on their part if they did allow it, because if we could have an X that's great, but the system more broadly
Is transphobic. Also for trans asylum seekers and refugees, or those in vulnerable positions that can't access governmental services or don't want to because of their proximity to danger, it's not going to benefit them in any way.
We need an overall upheaval and challenge to all of our institutional systems so that we can exist within them, and feel safe. It's better to have that change rather than just plonk an X on the passport and pretend that we are now accepted. We aren't. The leak today shows that
But there's a lot to acknowledge about the presumption of safety when it comes to being able to identify legally. It doesn't mean you're safe, and often it can lead to more unsafe environments for us because we are then fully within a bias institution.
It's just been a reflection. I still think it's something many want, but it almost feels like having x passports would leave us feeling more vulnerable in the hands of cis right wing institutions.
The wonderful @NMRLPH talks more about criminalising hate and the dangers it poses here. Engage, Nim's work is powerful and incredibly intelligent: https://twitter.com/NMRLPH/status/1305834986013184001?s=19
You can follow @jamie_windust.
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