I would like to share some things that I've learned about Anti-Vax*rs over the years. Because they inevitably share almost everything with Anti-Mask*rs.

I am not a psychologist, this is just what I've picked up in a few hands-on years.

I hope you'll take time to read:
Almost all are incredibly frightened and lonely people.

I need you to hold onto that thought, if you don't take in anything else that I say or anything else that is said on this subject.

They are terrified. And I'm not saying that as an insult.

Fear is a very powerful thing.
There are people in the Anti-V*x movement, & now the Anti-M*sk movement, who cruelly use this fear.

"Buy my cures, join my political movement, give me money"

But most people are followers, not wolves pretending to be shepherds.

They are searching for control in the chaos.
Young mothers, who are alone with their children for most of the day. They seem to have lost what little friends they had, mostly because of childcare obligations. Maybe they have a child who is learning disabled. They are afraid, as society provides little understanding/support.
They go to a doctor who uses complex words, avoids personalisation and has a certain tone. A tone they've heard their whole lives.

They feel blamed. They feel shamed. They're being led to believe that they're alone and all of the support needs their child has are their fault.
Enter Facebook.

Here, there's a community. Friends. Sympathy. The first hand of friendship and understanding in this huge, lonely mess of chaos and fear. A port in the storm.

They tell her that the vaccines the condescending doctor ordered are the reason her child is struggling
You don't fact check friendship when it pulls you from the waves of a storm. You don't think critically. You think emotionally. They gave you an explanation and now you have likeminded allies.

And God help anyone that tries to take that away from you.
It poisons you, but it feels like awakening. It feels like the truth. And the deeper you go, the harder it is to examine things critically. What if you lose these friends? You'll be all alone again.

The wolves prime their victims perfectly.

"They'll call you stupid."
And people always do.

Please know, when you sneer at or attack a person who has been brainwashed like this, you're doing exactly what their masters want.

And nothing will change. Yes, they're misinformed. Yes, they're wrong.
But they've felt less than and been called stupid their entire lives. You're nothing new to them.

Every nasty look in the supermarket when they're not wearing a mask, every abusive comment, it pushes them further to the person taking their money/data/political support.
"So, what, you want me to feel sorry for these people?"

No, I want you to refuse to engage unless you're able to act with compassion.

Too much "activism" online involves owning people. Firing back. Slapping people down.

Please don't delude yourself into thinking that works.
It's adequate for corporations, political parties and institutions.

Not for individuals. Please just say it makes you feel better or superior, not that you actually think it will change someone's mind.

Every time you try to "educate" them, you just play the same boring part.
With your snark and your disdain, you say your lines perfectly.

I get nasty dms from anti-vac people, I do. I've spoken about it. My existence and vocality scares them.

It's always a frightened, lonely woman. Lashing out at me because I contradict what she's been taught.
Here I am, ND and happy. Maybe even successful.

Most days, I am too burnt out to act with compassion so I don't engage.

But when I do, I always push as much empathy and compassion into my responses.

Usually it disarms them and they vanish, never to return.
I hope that whenever they next listen to their snake oil salesmen/women masters, they have a flicker of doubt. Remember my face and words.

I want them to find a way out.

And if you don't want the same, we don't need you in this conversation.
My loyalty and priorities are always with the disabled community.

I'm playing the long game. These algorithms do not care about us. We have to care about each other, protect each other.

I know they make you angry. They make me angry, too. But the venom and abuse is not helping
The end result of zero deaths and happy disabled children and adults is more important to me than point scoring.

I'm not here to own anyone, especially when they've never felt able to own their own selves.

I know what it's like to be an outsider. Been one my whole life.
I carry that chip on my shoulder. Know that it's vulnerable to bitterness and other things getting inside your heart.

Know that you'll sometimes cling to anything to escape the people who other you.

We need each other. Now more than ever.
Don't call someone stupid. Acknowledge that they're drowning in fear and isolation.

If you're not capable of hauling them out of the water, fine. Your own mental health is of course a priority.

But don't hold their head under.
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