Great thread on The Times article re GRA today and the status quo outcome. This means trans ppl still self-ID in all the ways we currently do; everywhere except in obtaining a GRC. Pls read it!But pls also remember that this is and always has been about more then trans rights /1
The article reiterates the frame that ppl are against trans access to single sex space (SSS) (irrelevant to the GRA). It is exactly here that Gender Critics (GC), wider transphobes, far right and our govt meet: creating a moral panic in order to destroy the Equality Act (EA) /2
Will GCs now rest easy without self-ID changes to the GRA (which they claim this has all been about) or continue attacking our existence in/access to SSS (governed by the EA not the GRA) exposing these campaigns for what we have said they are all along?/3
The govt has intent to destroy the EA, having referenced a“British Bill of Right”. They will use the frames of European elites, sovereignty& activist lawyers to further this cause. Will GCs, knowingly or not, keep pushing towards this agenda to remove all equality protections? /4
As a community and those in solidarity, we have to resist hyper focus on the GRA.
1. The EA affects far more of us than the trans community alone.
2. The removal of human rights protections by the UK Gov is about far more than the EA, see: “activist lawyers” /5
1. The GCs are organising internationally and v effectively, their wins here are creating global blueprints internationally in a terrible neo-colonial manner. Regressive change about trans ppl, that is seeding far right politics &administrarions globally, see: /5
Womens Human Right Campaign who have weekly “feminist question time” with international GCs and aim to change SSS legislation at the UN and beyond, see: connections between Canadian GCs and GB GCs and the emergence of the I 🖤 JKR billboards... /6
All of this to say - there’s more at stake in all of this then the direct impact of GRA non-reform on trans lives here. We are used as political footballs, and the terrible indictment of our lives is that while we are being kicked around we must also try to focus on the match /7
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