A thread on transgender #selfID & #GRAreform. This is a pause, not a win. What happens next?

The news about self ID being off the table is good news.

But this isn’t a win; it’s just a pause. The trans lobby / gender ideology lobby are not going to stop. In fact, this news will only motivate them to fight harder.
So, we have to do more. We have to redouble our efforts. We have to turn the tide against the woke indoctrination of people, companies, schools, institutions & governments. Against the myths, misreporting, misquoted (& made up) statistics, and scientific inaccuracies.
We need to speak to everyone we know (family, friends, colleagues, schools, companies we buy from) and educate them on this before the gender ideology lobby propaganda is presented to them (at work, at school, online, in health settings, in the media) as fact.
We have to keep explaining that biological sex is real and that it is binary.
We need to challenge every occasion or mention of sex being “assigned” at birth, rather than recorded or observed at birth. We must challenge any mention of someone being born “in the wrong body”.
We have to challenge and correct anyone using, or purporting to speak for, intersex people to justify pseudoscience and propaganda about gender identities, or myths about biological sex not being real/binary.
We have to keep explaining the importance of single-sex spaces, based on sex not on gender identity, and on the importance of words & language to be accurate. We cannot allow the erasure of the word “woman” to mean adult human female.
We have to keep explaining that gender identity is not the same thing as sexual orientation. The LGBT(QIA+) community does not exist. The fight for trans rights is not analogous to the fight for LGB rights. The Stonewall riots were not started by trans women.
We have to challenge the idea that children can make a definitive enough decision about their gender identity that it can result in receiving irreversible medical interventions such as puberty blockers, especially where there is parental or peer group influence.
We also have to keep explaining that we don’t wish trans people any harm or any fewer rights than anyone else.
We recognise that the propaganda isn’t coming from most trans people, but from an ideological lobby purporting to speak for people with gender dysphoria.
Asking questions, challenging lies, asserting facts, ensuring safeguarding & suggesting long-term research are NOT transphobic.
The gender ideology lobby uses accusations of transphobia to shut down anything they disagree with. We must remove the fear of such accusations.
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