It's often suggested that the movement for trans rights & protections is the greatest existential threat to women's rights currently, so much so that it warrants aligning with whoever will take a stand against it; even the conservative right, by whatever means necessary etc....
If we're going to talk about taking stands, then why not against the fascist right wing that is literally happy to imprison gays, remove marriage rights, parenting rights, literally happy for women to die of illegal abortions & unwanted pregnancies & shows this time & time again
Is that not an existential threat to women's rights, now & evidence of those actions from history. Is illiberal populism not spreading everywhere, is the fascist nationalist right wing not emboldened; if we want to look about for a stand that needs taking, it couldn't be clearer.
We've all seen where this direction of travel is heading. It reminds me of a quote in a Dworkin book, where she recalled that a journalist had said Reagan's election campaign could be summed up as: a gun in every holster; a pregnant (White) woman in every home. Well it's coming.
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