The Times reports that the Tories are dropping plans to enable "self-ID" for people wanting to change the sex marker on their birth certificate.

Trans people will continue to legally access name changes, public toilets, changing rooms etc, on the basis of self-determination.
If the Times report is true (feels likely, but we'll see) then we have basically seen three years of vicious transphobic backlash lead to a preservation of the status quo. What an enormous waste of everyone's time and energy.
The Times of course have once again confused things by referring to changing rooms in an article about the Gender Recognition Act, which is only relevant to 1) privacy protections, 2) the sex marker on birth certificates, and 3) by extension, marriage.
Anyway, if GRA reform is properly dropped this does suck, but as someone *without* a Gender Recognition Certificate I'll just have to rely on the "self-ID" female sex marker on *checks notes* my passport, my NHS records, my bank records, my insurance, and my employment details.
See you in the public convenience, adult human females!
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