live tweeting the ilam candidates debate (sans Gerry Brown Lee) #nzpol
from the left - iNCel, Outdoors Party and TOP
on the far table, from the left - Advance/NZPP, the Greens, & labour
walked past the NC candidate and told him he disgusted me - honestly, having been in this scenario far too many times it was very refreshing to turn the tables
and we're off! the candidate from the brain worms/new Zealand public party #nzpol
pt. 1 'I'm a Christian, I love Jesus'
pt. 2 'new Zealand is great!'
pt. 3 'free trade with Britain and America will save us' 😅
pt. 4 'we need a strong recovery, support farmers, cut regulations'
pt. 5 'advance nz has 4 major concerns: sovreign citizen nonsense and brain worms'
Sarah Pallett, one of two sane people on the stage, for the Labour Party
midwife, union made, all around boss babe, we stan a queen
co-chair of labour's women's council! what a babe! damn shame she is standing in Ilam
good speech if a bit 'stock labour'
here comes the fuckery
'all problems are the fault of the breakdown of the nuclear family'
wow incoming splitting, what a novel policy that Peter Dunne came up with fucking decades ago
'tax rebates (NOT WAGES) for childcare'
he is a big fan of the 'make [x] [y] again' formulation. wonder where he got that from
the greens! a breath of fresh--'I come from a business background, my first degree was a bcom and now I'm a leadership coach'
this is not my beautiful house! this is not my beautiful nz green party!!!
this guy (David bennet of the greens) talks a great game but it's hard not to imagine him using those skills to help convince executives to move forward with lay-offs
'the green party will not go back to a system that puts vulnerable people at risk' well I guess now you've made your money you can turn your attention towards that
Heidi Jensen Warren of the nz outdoors party! brain worms round 2!
she sounds Australian. not a good start
'Sue gray is an inspiration if you love freedom and intellectual discourse'
'sue gray is like the real life princess mononoke'

I can't. I am crying.
standing up for homeschooling! her pet issue is clearly the ministry of education - too much screen time and too much WiFi in schools
this lady sounds like a steinerite. I don't know whether she is or not but she sounds like one
'the childhood i experience should not be out of reach in this country' you are at least 40! do you have a time machine?
TOP guy is here - on a hiding to nowhere but by far the coolest with the most tattoos
honestly this guy sounds like a mensch I'm just sad that he's with TOP and not the greens
who is still a Georgist in 2021 honestly
OK so we are done with the intros. I am listening to some libs sitting behind me who are earnestly trying to talk about the importance of the family unit, not recognising this is in fact a misogynist dogwhistle. cursed opinions.
Q&A time! first question: CDHB funding
advance nz would like you to know that they have no comprehension of how the dhb system works.
the very smoothtalking green guy is just dodging the question entirely by talking about national health policy in broad strokes. 'I don't think the green party would be in favour of firing the board and replacing them with commissioners' - you mean you don't know?!
Labour candidate on CDHB - clearly wants to say the government could write off the debt but knows that she can't because aunty jacinda refuses to spend the money. a lot of prevarication.
NC guy is talking about his inside knowledge of the situation, from some doctors who attend an art class that he hosts. he is saying a lot of words.
Outdoors Party namechecking Sue Bagshaw to try and promote wholesale privatisation of the health system, talking about charity and decentralisation, not talking so much about healthcare costs. quelle surprise.
TOP candidate boldly saying that the bad tempered dhb is the executives and that the board are the problem, saying we should be heartened that the MoH could overrule all parties involved. bold take.
next questions: housing costs
TOP wanna keep house prices flat and 'give wages a chance to catch up' nice idea but realistically house prices need to fall. we all know this.
Mr Corporate Greens has forgot his party's entire housing policy! iconic! I can't write a joke about this!
Labour candidate on lessons learned from COVID-19 - concerned about coming up with a complete answer in a minute.
key takeaway is underinvestment in health. good answer tbh
NC asked a question about moving solo mums in with respectable Christian families. 'it's not compulsory' is the strongest point he has
Outdoors Party got asked about 1080. Heidi trying not to be #triggered but struggling to keep it together or cite supporting evidence
advance nz just got fact checked. she's arguing back with the fact checker because of course she is
TOP candidate 'we don't actually have a policy'

honey we know but I thought we were pretending not to draw attention to that
Outdoors Party asked about gay rights, says she 'loves rainbows'
she's doing that Donald trump thing where you start answering a question with no position and talk yourself into one
NC says they have no policies that support the LGBT community. can't argue with that
Mr Corporate Greens talking about gay rights could not sound more disinterested if he tried
Sarah Pallett for Labour killed it on the gay rights question tho, much respect
Mr Corporate Greens confronted about justice issues, literally just reading talking points off a laptop. I have seen fish give stronger speeches while flopping about on the rocks
this dude can't even talk convincingly about managing climate risk through financialisation. dude this is your whole thing!!! how can you fuck this up?
candidates being asked about their business interests.
advance candidate doesn't have any, neither does anyone else really, except for Mr Business Leadership Coach Greens Guy, who doesn't think encouraging executives to do whatever they want to do could in any way be political.
next question, a unifying experience: should we let foreigners donate to political parties? everyone can unite behind this, from the civic nationalists to the out and out racists. heart-warming.
the advance nz lady keeps namechecking 5 eyes. starting to get on a bit of a 'military intelligence/trust the plan' vibes
questions about humans rights & China. Australia not mentioned. racists on the panel starting to salivate.
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