Again tho folks, liberals NEVER intended to riot, they never intended to "burn this motherfucker down"

They seriously thought they were gonna snap their fingers and you'd happily do it FOR them because that's what you poors do - protest and whine about stuff.
This is the EXACT same shit as Biden phonebanking, in action.

They don't intend to do any work, they don't intend to put in the effort - they think it's your job to obey them because "meritocracy" and "leadership."

They seriously thought anarchists & BLM would do it FOR them.
"Let's burn this mutherfucker down" is their way of saying "ok, you poors can do your rioting thing now, I'm actually angry"
Like that lady said this morning... you're shouting "everyone has to take it to the street" but we already took it to the street. Antifascists, African American social justice activists, soccer moms who know what fascism is - they all been in the street.

You called them rioters
Why should these folks save you?

They ain't gonna.
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