What good is a doctor who got an A+ in CHEM110 if they refuse to use best practice guidelines to mitigate the racist beliefs they have about how Māori don’t want heart surgery
If you all only knew how many racist doctors there are you’d wanna know our IAT results instead https://twitter.com/btohiariki/status/1307540235446755328
There are plenty of good A+ doctors, but there’s also plenty who refuse to pronounce Māori patients’ names correctly because that might imply respect and power-sharing and they not having that kind of ‘PC nonsense’
You can guarantee the overwhelming majority of Māori doctors give literally everything we have to our jobs and patients (ask our kids), and go to great lengths to try make this shitty system work for our whānau, and for everyone
Māori and Pasifika medical (nursing, health sci etc) students will drive us closer to health equity by 2040 if we let them,but right now they’re not doing so great. They’re struggling. It’s violent. And so it falls on Māori doctors to protect them, and we are (trying)
Acutely aware of our position of relative privilege, Māori doctors hesitate to ask for support for what feels like a first world problem. But there’s a real risk we will never see a representative workforce, or health equity if @otago loses in court. So here we are. Uncomfortable
Rather be advocating for bowel screening, HPV screening, lung cancer screening, better pay for nurses, cleaners, kaupapa Māori health services, Treaty compliant governance - but we having to advocate for ourselves. Ugh. I don’t know.
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