Now is a good time to remind my fellow Americans that the death of this one octogenarian, who was invested with lifetime power outside of any public or democratic process, is not merely goin to change things for Americans. It will have ripple-effects all across the world.
America has extremely outsize influence on the doings of the international community by virtue of its wealth and imperial stances, and supplied by a crypto-fascist economy that has benefited overwhelmingly from stolen land, stolen labor, and stolen bodies.
The death of G*nsberg is big enough to cause a candlelight vigil because of what she represented to a (mostly white) demographic of specifically American women. But what will it mean for the rest of the world, particularly areas where American power is far more violent?
Why do nine people - none of them elected by the public body of the US, which itself experiences 'democracy' only in a shallow and extremely curtailed way - why do nine unelected people have the ultimate authority over a country that functionally dictates the world order?
It's extremely necessary right now that all the "VOTE đź‘Ź VOTE đź‘Ź VOTE!" people start thinking in absolutely global and absolutely human terms. Ditch this entire notion you're currently being force-fed, that 'America' is what's at stake. The stakes were always, always bigger.
To be a little more specific as a closer to this thread:

There are people all over the world who not only have no emotional connection to G*nsberg, but couldn't care less, whose lives are nonetheless profoundly affected by anything that goes on in the American system.
They shouldn't have to. Power is not only unequally distributed -in- the US, it is unequally distributed -to- the US.

Burn *that* down, if you're going to burn down anything in her wake.
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