Wow. @BricktownComedy in OKC and @SkylineComedy in Appleton WI blocked me cuz I wrote the word “gross” under their tweets re accused rapist Bryan Callen playing their clubs. Guess they don’t think pissing off a national headliner like me matters. Rapists = ok but tweets aren’t?
2. I further explain why this is disgusting behavior to all women comedians, survivors, audience members, etc.
3. So the clubs “had” to delete their tweet announcing Bryan Callen cuz folks then started doing this. Wow. So, they blocked me. Deleted their announcement. They really don’t know how to handle their social media and stand up for their own booking choices? Poor Bryan. 😂😂😂😂😂
4. The good news is that you can always just write “gross” in a blank tweet to these clubs. 😂😂😂 And watch them block all of their potential customers!
5. The point is when people simply make their opinion known about comics that are booked (again, no one said cancel them. They said that’s gross) then clubs will have to realize they’re alienating comedians and customers as well as getting sold out crowds from the rapists fans.
6. It’s entirely legal to do. It’s fun and funny and it’s the marketplace adding their POV. No one is being canceled (except me) and more comedians (especially the male ones who they listen to) should join in and always do this to every club! It’s a fun quarantine pastime.
7. Guess I’m the only one having fun with it.
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