we’re staying in Boise for the night on our way back from visiting family. The sheer amount of people not wearing masks at this hotel fucking disgusts me.
The worst part is, no one at the hotel is enforcing or confronting folks....
There’s literally a man walking around the lobby talking on the phone, wearing no mask??? Like???? People are walking through the halls and the lobby with no mask. Just casual. You better believe my mask is up the whole time
@Riverside_Boise please get your shit together and reprimand the people who aren’t following the state mandated rules. #maskup @CityOfBoise #covid
Standing at the bar.
And the gathering has doubled in size.... bruh. #COVIDIDIOTS #wearyourmasks #coronavirus #idahoCovid19 #idaho
Update: I talked to the manager of the restaurant last night, and pointed out to him several folks not wearing masks. Told him it made me feel uncomfortable and didn’t seem safe or following state protocol. His response? “We don’t have the staff to police everyone”
He also said: “you can protect yourself by wearing a mask” and my personal favorite “as far as I know wearing no mask inside while passing someone is the same as wearing a mask outside.” ????!!!!
The least that management can do is say “excuse me, please put a mask on,” and if the customer refuses, turn them away. But this place is clearly not doing that. When I asked about this, manager said “if we saw someone we would say something”
I pointed to three people walking down the hall, unmasked. And two people standing at the bar, talking to the bartender, unmasked. He then came back with the “we don’t have enough staff” excuse???
If you don’t have enough staff to uphold the state mandated safety protocols for a deadly pandemic, maybe you shouldn’t be open? Or hire more staff. Just a thought.
Here are some more photographs from brunch morning :-)
@boisemayor here’s an example of a hotel downtown blatantly not following COVID protocols in a time where cases are increasing in the state. You gonna do anything about this??
@CBS2Boise @Boiseweekly @KBSX915 This thread is an example of my experience visiting a Boise hotel @Riverside_Boise - and their disregard for COVID 19 precautions.
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