I did want to explain this tweet, but I was too busy blocking the racists to actually explain this old-school racism for those who don't know about it. Spoiler alert: it's bad. https://twitter.com/diannaeanderson/status/1307486184180916226
The Rittenhouse shit you know about. The "Future Rhodesian" is...ooof.

So, you know Cecil Rhodes? Cecil Rhodes was, to put it bluntly, a bad guy. One of the worst. He was a colonizer in southern Africa, and was so bad that even fellow slavers of his day were like, "whoa now."
Anyway, he was a real rich dude because of all the colonizing, and ended up naming a country after himself: Rhodesia, what is now modern day Zimbabwe.

Rhodesia was ... not a good place, at least not for black people. Basically, the place is full to the brim with mines...
...and basically black people were forced to work in them for no pay while white European immigrants took the money. The system in Rhodesia was the foundation for South African Apartheid, and black Zimbabweans are still experiencing ramifications - lots of poveryt, etc.
They eventually won independence and threw off colonial chains.

"Rhodesia," as a name, fell into obscurity in the annals of history.

Except amongst neo-Nazi white supremacists.
White Supremacists will wear the flag of Rhodesia as a symbol not only of their commitment to whiteness and racism, but of a very specific economic system in which white wealth is built on the backs of slaves. It's like the confederate flag but without all the pesky "heritage."
Dylan Roof wore a jacket with a Rhodesian flag on it.

So if someone is calling themselves a "future Rhodesian"? They mean they are looking forward to their role as a white supremacist in a white ethnostate.

Watch for that signaling.
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