Let me watch The Color Purple.
Mister’s house was dirty as FUCK!
“You want something GAL?”
Now this wench knew that was Celie’s child. She could see it in ha eyes!
Mister got on a BEWT chile.
If he don’t get out of Nettie’s FACE!
Yesss SWING those books niece!
Chile I would’ve put Harpo and the rest of those bad ass kids right in the wood stove. They was doing that anyways back then.
Mister couldn’t do SHIT. Just WORTHLESS.
Shug Avery had some legendary pussy.
Mister’s dusty ass was running to the mailbox hoping for a LETTER.
A$AP Rocky really do be having his hair like Celie’s.
I’m in tears! Sophia was PUMPING up that dirt road!
Sophia ate Mister UP!
Sis basically said “The fuck I need Harpo for? He ain’t GOT shit.”
They told Harpo to beat Sophia and he got his ass whooped.
Celie should’ve packed Shug’s drunk ass up and sent her down the river for calling her ugly. Mama hit it to the kitchen and made her a Cracker Barrel breakfast instead. Hey maid!
Mister’s daddy’s reads we’re problematic but I am absolutely HOWLING
Every word that came out of his mouth was a read. Seems a bit ICONIC to me.
“Miss Celie’s Blues” really shut the gorls UP!
Mister: Where your chirren?

Sophia: They home! Where yourn?
Babyyyy Sophia done knocked Squeak up under the juke joint.
One thing about Sophia is she is gonna throw a PUNCH!
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