I won’t be a beneficiary of generational wealth but it’s something I want to pass along for my kids. Democracy is made possible by personal property rights. When peasants were allowed to own and accumulate wealth that’s when freedom started to flourish in the world and exploded.. https://twitter.com/sarah_k_mock/status/1307368476709998595
...in America. Personal property rights (generational wealth transfers of common folk) is what catapulted the world of of the dark ages.
American dream used to be about acquiring ownership. now it’s about earning and jobs. Politicians promise us jobs but early Americans came here for ownership of personal property which included land.
there is a good probability I’ll never own over 10 acres of land but I’m not going hate on those than own 1000s of acres of land no matter if they inherited it or not.
if we reinstated the homestead act and divided up the land in 160 acre plots again. In 25-50 years the ownership would be consolidated much like today. Some people and families are better stewards of land than others. Those that aren’t would sell to those that are.
my wife is better at gardening than a lot of people. She learned it from her family. My girls will be pretty good gardeners. That generational knowledge is similar to farm families knowledge of farming. Knowing how to farm the slough on the back 40 takes years of knowledge.
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