A thread on why James Stewart's portrayal of George Bailey is the greatest acting performance of all time
Firstly, I’ll start by saying that this is a flawless performance. Every scene, every line, every emotion is nailed perfectly.

Not only does James Stewart fully get into character, but it gets to the point where you can no longer tell that he’s even acting.
James Stewart and George Bailey become one of the same

George Bailey is an every man. Like many young people, George Bailey has dreams and aspirations. He is a man who wants to live a fulfilling and happy life.
But just before every opportunity, he is forced to make a sacrifice for the greater good. He’s a truly selfless man that puts the happiness of others ahead of his own.
This is the type of man that so many people can relate to. We all have our wants and desires, but unfortunately, life never works out quite right for us. This is a big reason why George Bailey is my favorite movie character, I connect with him and relate to what he’s going though
This performance really covers the entire spectrum of emotions that humans go through. Happy, Sad, Angry, Frustration,... you name the emotion, James Stewart acts it out perfectly.
Frustration. In this scene, we can see George filled with anger and frustration because of his co-workers' clumsiness. We witness George just before his anger turns to desperation. You can feel the tension in the room.
Sadness. This is an emotion that is difficult to act, but it's executed perfectly in this film. In the scene below, you can see that George is completely broken. He’s “reached the end of his rope” and is now at a point of desperation. He’s ready to end it all.
Being suicidal on what should be one of the happiest days of the year (Christmas Eve) is just heart wrenching to watch. The way James Stewart quietly prays to god while crying perfectly displays how broken he is.
Happiness. While James Stewart does an excellent job displaying sadness, the film ends off with him being truly happy with what he has.
The cheerful singing combined with smiles from everyone including George makes the ending to this film one of the most uplifting and satisfying endings to a film I’ve ever seen.
Overall, I think this is the best film performance ever as it provides everything that you can ask for in an acting performance. A relatable character that everyone can connect with and someone who goes through the spectrum of emotions that we have all gone through.
By the end of the film, George Bailey is a man that you truly care for, and someone that you are happy to see winning.
Remember, this is all just my opinion. Let me know your thoughts on this thread. Who do you think has given the greatest acting performance of all time? Even if you disagree, I appreciate any support you can give.

Thanks for reading!
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