The world is dividing...

This is not a metaphor. The Transhumanists are on the march. Progressives are fading, Marxists are losing ground, but the technocracy promising a BETTER human, and end to biological humans... the rise of TRANSHUMANISM as a MUST to SAVE the world is real.
There is no greater threat to God's creation than Transhumanism.

This movement unites agnostics and atheists who reject religion and GOD with the fatalism of FAKE climate science offering HOPE by ending the biological human with a hybrid tech/ human entity.

It's a new religion.
Transhumanism is at the center of EVERY biomedical companies future plans and profit projections. The new mRNA vaccines are all part of Transhumanism - the transition of humans from a biological species to a new species that unites technology and biology.

The technology is here.
Free will is at the center of all things. What we choose will dictate our future and the future of Transhumanism.

Transhumanism cannot coexist with those that reject it. By its very nature, Transhumanists see themselves as superior beings.

They see themselves as gods.
FAITH must remain a rock. You must be ruthless in your conviction to prayer and GOD.

You must discern the lies and reject the fear that the Transhumanists will project and use.

The world is dividing.

You either walk fully with GOD, or you fall.
Some choices are forever.
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