Alright, redo of the thread I did before, since my old account got locked. So here we go, we'll start off with this.

Give Catherine props, she does an excellent job, one of the last journalists out there.
Now let's explore some very important facts.

BLM receives funding, and now being investigated for the billions they have received and no doubt paying off these "Protesters."

BLM receives dark money, undoubtedly from proxy/shell companies. Why is this important continue below.
It is hard to track money, especially the kind that flows through these proxies/shell companies. This is important, because we can actually point directly to similar actions.

Actions which the Open Society Foundation is especially guilty of.

Color Revolutions.
So what do we know about BLM/ANTIFA/BOOGs?

Quite a bit, ANTIFA are always at these "protests" which lets us call them what they are, riots. Now why am I pointing towards all three of these? Easy, BLM organizes, or at least directs these protests.

Continue below.
When these protests start, they do so peacefully, until nightfall. That is when the trouble starts. We know for a fact, that ANTIFA/BLM/BOOGs are bused in from various states.

Very few MSM even talks about this, most you see of it, is from maybe Fox News. Twitter especially.
Now one should ask, if BLM has all this money, what are they doing with it?

Easy, they say no to police brutality, and that they are here to "uplift" black communities.

Yet, none of the billions they received has gone to these communities.
So, where does the money go? The first tweet gives you the idea. "Protestors" or in more specific terms, ANTIFA and the Boogaloo boys.

We know for a fact, ANTIFA are always at these riots, and have a politically driven agenda. They will push it through violence.
Now some might ask, why point to the Boogs? Simple, ANTIFA, BLM, and the Boogs have a lot in common. More so than many realize.

Antifa- Hates police and Government.

BLM- Hates police and Government.

Boogs- Hates Police and Government.

Some might say, Boogs are Far right.
FBI certainly does, but are they?

We've found out that the FBI has vastly underestimated ANTIFA, Chris Wray is one among them that has.

Now what ties them all together, as I said above, beliefs, ideology. That is what connects them. Enemy of my enemy is my friend.
So, how do we tell ANTIFA is funded by this money. Like I said, easy. Just connect the dots. They are organized, they are bused in from out of state. Not to mention most if not all, are well equipped. Gas masks etc.

Now you might ask again, why I point to the boogs.
There has been sightings of them at BLM protests and riots, often as security. I've even heard some rumors of them doing the same at CHAZ/CHOP. As to the veracity of the second claim, I myself can not corroborate it.

So let us continue on.
Now why is all this important?

If you haven't figured it out by now, then I'll summerize.

BLM funds ANTIFA and the BOOGs, we know for a fact ANTIFA has a hand in all the riots so far, from the firebombings, to even Kenosha.

Continued below.
Residents of Kenosha have even said so themselves.

Many of the rioters aren't from the area, and seem to be from other states entirely. So, one should ask the question. If ANTIFA isn't organized, why is it, that they always appear during the riots.

In large numbers?
Easy, they work hand in hand with BLM.

Now on to the Boogaloo Boys.

We get told they are "supremacists of a certain race." Yet, what we can see, is that there has been no clash whatsoever between them, BLM, and ANTIFA.
So, let us ask.

How is this anything but a Color Revolution, and why are they doing this?

Simple, they despise our Republic, down to it's founding principles. Especially freedoms. They have the support of MSM, and seem to either be underestimated by the FBI, or supported.

Remember, the FBI has been turned political, especially during Obama's admin. We know that for a fact, with the impeachment, and the Russia Collusion Hoax.

So has it set in yet? That we are in a color revolution?

If not, I'll finish this up below with a final statement.
$$$ -> BLM -> ANTIFA/BOOGs.

My friends, we are in a full on color revolution, one funded by similar means as the various color revolutions in Eastern Europe. It has the full support of those in the [D] Party, FBI, and perhaps, even the DOJ.

Pray for our country. God Bless.
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