1/There are smart points in here. But the timeline of the Court wars isn’t fair or accurate imho. The timeline is more like this imho: Conservatives turned Abe Fortas’s nomination into a circus. And brutalized him for decisions that he hadn’t even been on the Court for. Liberals, https://twitter.com/adamjwhitedc/status/1307501607777697793
2/responded in kind to Clement Haynesworth. I’ll leave Carswell out, because he was legitimately unqualified. Then things calmed down because Ford & Reagan nominated Stevens & O’Connor — justices from the old mold. Then Reagan elevated Rehnquist & the left tried to block him, but
3/failed. They didn’t oppose Scalia, because they had already fought Rehnquist & Scalia’s nomination was important to the Italian-American community. Then they didn’t blindside Reagan on Bork. Biden warned Reagan that Bork would be a non-starter. And yes, then a Democratic Senate
4/confirmed Kennedy, Souter & Thomas — in spite of the allegations against him. And Republicans overwhelmingly supported RBG & Breyer. But then they refused votes for years to several well qualified Court of Appeals nominees & blockaded Clinton’s appointments in the last years of
5/his term. Democrats responded by staging the first filibusters of COA judges. In turn, when Obama got elected, McConnell blockaded the DC Circuit & blocked other judges. Reid went nuclear. McConnell invented a new precedent to block Garland & went nuclear at the SCOTUS level.
6/Now this unprecedented move. In short, the judicial wars go back 5+ decades & both parties have acted poorly.
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