you know what though? what I'm pissed about doesn't even have anything to do with RBG, and everything to do with how Democrats (versus leftists, because in my brain I've established a difference, as have many people) are such intolerable, petulant fucking sore losers.
and to preemptively shut down any whataboutism: let's just pretend like Republicans don't even exist for a second, let's just look at how Democrats – namely white, middle-class Democrats living in bigger cities or metropolitan areas – are some of the whiniest, do-nothing-ass,
ineffectual, myopic, performative cunts in this country. throwing tantrums, making the most noise when they don't get their way, but at the end of the day they know nothing about their lives will change much if Republicans hold power, so they're also complacent and smug.
I'll give three examples! the first is when Hillary lost. leftists saw this coming from miles away, voted anyway for Hillary because they knew it would be better than Trump. Hillary lost, what do I see all over Twitter? "ABOLISH THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE"
the thing is, leftists have wanted to abolish the electoral college for YEARS. Democrats only started calling to abolish it when the 2016 election didn't work out in their favor.
another example: Bernie running again for 2020.
now there's a further rift between leftists and Democrats. leftists are sicker of Democrats' shit than ever, and they have a game plan before Trump's even inaugurated: rally the party behind one candidate EARLY, push that person through to win the 2020 election and unseat Trump.
what do Democrats spend 3 years doing? pissing around about collusion and impeachment, calling Bernie supports "Bernie bros," trending shit like " #neverBernie" and thinking his supporters are tOo mEaN, holding out for an impeachment that never stood a chance, making Cheeto jokes
shocker, Bernie doesn't get the nomination, nor do any other candidates who actually are making any attempt to bring some promising policy changes to the table. instead we get stuck with the absolute worst: Joe Fucking Biden. and leftists are over it and now every day I see
people openly tweeting about how they're not voting for Biden, something I didn't see leftists doing in 2016 about Hillary. Democrats, who spent 3 years with their thumbs up their asses, antagonizing Bernie supporters, throw more tantrums.
saying that leftists who openly refuse to support Biden are going to be at fault if Biden loses to Trump. it's like, let me get this straight: y'all spent 3 whole years shitting all over us and dicking around with impeachment and oompa-loompa jokes and Nevertheless She Persisted,
but now you're realizing that you need leftists to win this election? we tried that already and fucking lost, remember??

now we have the death of RBG, which should solely be about the death of RBG, but Democrats can't let us have anything nice. it's got to be about them.
wealthy white women tweeting about how scared they are for their reproductive rights, Vida fitness web developer gays in Washington afraid Mike Pence will send them to conversion therapy, bitch... we've all BEEN having the conversation about the Supreme Court needing an overhaul
where the fuck were you? oh, right, stanning Nancy Pelosi, trending #Impeachmas.

then RBG dies, as we all knew she would, and she didn't retire during the Obama admin, as we all knew she SHOULD HAVE, and you realize NOW you want to "abolish" the Supreme Court? more tantrums.
the thing is, I'm convinced Democrats are like this because at the end of the day, intrinsically, they know the stakes are nonexistent when it comes to actual change that will improve this country. it's all performative bullshit because they know, Trump or Biden,
or Trump or Hillary, nothing is REALLY going to affect how their everyday lives run. what leftists want is change, you'll find more leftists for whom the stakes ARE there, the urgency to make change IS felt, and what does it come off to Democrats as? mEAN! :-( :-(
and I know I'm not the first person to think this, this isn't a groundbreaking take. Democrats ultimately care more about performative measures to affect the illusion of change, leftists are pushing for real change. Democrats are smug, selfish, complacent cunts.
leftists may not have THE BEST ideas out there ALL the time, but at a very fundamental level are actually passionate about change because we see the stakes, & they affect us. they don't affect Democrats, apparently. apparently they don't, bc that's why BIDEN is the DNC's nominee.
I'm just so tired of these people only performing outrage when something doesn't go their way and then calling for change that leftists have BEEN calling for. abolish the electoral college! unite behind one candidate! overhaul the supreme court! WE'VE BEEN SAYING THAT FOR AGES!
and Democrats have been too busy ordering The Notorious RBG totebags from Etsy or some fucking shit, because then they bring up these demands like they're brand fucking new as soon as something they don't like happens. something you shouldn't like is happening all the time, bitch
and then these fucking people wonder why leftists can't stand them. nobody likes y'all!!!

and I'm not voting for Joe Biden!
not because I support Trump, but because Democrats can all go fuck themselves and I want to see the two-party system collapse, among other reasons, like not wanting to vote for a senile fucking rapist, anyway I'm going to bed early
I'm actually still not done. here's an interesting history lesson, since everyone likes to throw around the word "fascism" right now – so I'm a German scholar, right? I wrote my MA thesis about Berlin in the Weimar Republic (1918/19-1933)
throughout the 1920s, leading right up to and including the Nazis' rise to power, the biggest political rivalry was between two parties who despised each other irreconcilably, bitterly, and violently. which do you think those two parties were?
if you guessed Social Democrats and National Socialists, you're wrong. it was Social Democrats and Communists. both considered "leftists." why was there a problem? same old shit. Communists wanted revolution, Social Democrats wanted to uphold convention that wasn't working.
even as the Nazis rose to power, the Social Democrats couldn't unite with the Communists against the literal rise of fascism. and by the time the Nazis were fully in power, guess who accommodated fascism with suspiciously little issue in transitioning? you guessed it! the SPD!
guess who got sent to the fuckin camps? Communists! do you see anything kind of similar here? the difference between who's actually pushing for change & who's outwardly noisy as fuck but inwardly ready to accept the status quo, or worse, since the stakes for them are nonexistent?
so needless to say, having all that in mind, it kind of drives me ballistic when I see Democrats talking about "fascism." bitch most of you would accommodate fascism in a heartbeat.
(although it is important to note: major exception to the Social Democrats overall transitioning smoothly to accommodating the Third Reich life was Jewish members of the SPD, for obvious reasons. I have no comments on that, but it would be unfair and incorrect to say that ALL SPD
transitioned easy because, well, there were Jewish Social Democrats, and they were persecuted for being Jewish just like all Jewish people were)
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