Re new SCOTUS nomination thread.
The Dems have a few problems.
They made it loud and clear, no matter what the outcome of the election is, they are contesting it and taking it to the courts. Because of the threat THEY made, to do that, we cannot have a 4/4 tie in SCOTUS..
to 'decide' the outcome of the election. So, a new justice must be put into place to keep from happening. They made their bed, so need to lie in it.

According to latest poll by Marquette, taken within the last couple of weeks, ALL adults. 67% say if opening b4 election...
.it should be filled b4 the election. That is a HIGH # of people in a divided country. MSM will rush to get out push polls to push back in the next few days to help their narrative, but do NOT forget this data point.
B4 this happened, Dems were saying if they gained control of the Sen & POTUS they would pack the court, add 2 states, and do away with the electoral college. Now they are threatening loudly to do it if McConnell moves forward. Too late. We ALREADY knew that was their plan.
NEVER FORGET these words- Fundamentally Transform
That is their goal.

The Dem PTB begged Antifa/BLM rioters to stop burning down cities bc it was killing them in the polls. What was the reaction by the left to the news that RBG died? Burn it all down if they try to replace her. That will NOT go over well with the country- remember the 67%
I am sure they will go crazy though. Mobs cannot be controlled, and the Democrats unleashed them in our country. They will reap what they sowed.

The 'pundits' are saying that going forward with the vote hurts GOP Senators up for reelection. Remember the 67%. It helps McSally, Tills, Perdue, Ernst, and others. What the pundits don't tell you, and don't want you to remember is 2018.

Remember the 4 Senators who lost their seats because of their vote against Kavanagh? Heitkamp, Donnelly, McCaskill, and even Nelson the following year.
Think about the states Trump could win. MI, MN, NH, NM, and yes even VA. All those incumbents are up this year.

And Trump will nominate a woman. Top 2 right now are Barrett and Lagoa. Imagine what will happen if the media/left rage machine is unleashed against a mother of 7 (Barrett) or a Hispanic woman from FL (Lagoa) hint: suburban women
The Dems are in a no win situation with this.
The more you know....

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