alright an0ns, we’re back at it. this time, i’ll spellcheck everything before posting😉😁

so i did a lot of digging here, but i would like some help in regards to the michael werner thing; i do not know who he is. but regardless, this is what i found:
tbh i also do not understand the Isbn reference but i’m SURE one of you do.

this find about Jesus was interesting. if you look at the history behind this, the roman empire deemed christianity ILLEGAL and LOTS of people rebelled against the government because of it.
after nonstop rebellion persisted for decades, the roman empire finally legalized christianity. however, christianity was only allowed to be legal if it was practiced on THEIR terms. so the books of the Bible we now have today were very heavily edited and changed.
over time, the text has changed over and over again. it was all originally published in ancient greek — which fun facy for my g3m4tr1a lovers, the elitist greeks used to practice something called 1sop3phy, & it’s the same thing as g3m4tr1a but for greek. the bible is FILLED w/
1sops3phy riddles but they’re super hard to crack. a great example of this is revelations 13:18 (pictured below)

but so anyways, back on topic. we know for a fact that the bible was translated from ancient greek to hebrew to old english to new english by elitist 1%’ers. so
when we taken this into consideration, with the prior knowledge of how corrupt these 1%’ers are (ch1ld s3x tr4ff!ck1ng, covid, slavery, etc etc) and how much they lie to us about it, we can also reasonably conclude that they had corrupt intentions through the publishing of
the Bible & they also probably lied to us about it too. if you think about how you’re energetically enslaved by going to school all throughout your childhood & then spending your adulthood working a 9-5 job, psychologically enslaved by being spoon fed news media, entertainment, &
celebrity pop culture, it would also make sense that you’d be spiritually enslaved by the churches your local and state governments fund on an annual basis.

wow. okay that’s not really the route i originally wanted to take with this thread because that’s a huge truth bomb &
calls for a very large ego death. to those of you who just spiritually woke up because of what i just said, i love you so much. i know this is such a hard truth to hear & im so sorry i couldn’t have guided you through this face-to-face. this truth though does not negate the
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