idk how to say this but if you hate grace for how her relationship with zoë turned out, i really need you to reevaluate. grace was never intentionally leading zoë on, because in grace’s mind they had a really good friendship and that’s what she wanted and needed. grace had spent+
so much of her life trying not to get close to people due to her illness. so when she got that close with zoë she was HAPPY bc she finally had someone she could trust. even if she didn’t like zoë trying to baby her. then when she realized that zoë had romantic feelings for her+
she WANTED it to work out. she was worried that if she didn’t reciprocate the feelings she would lose the one person she had finally allowed herself to get truly close to & who she felt she didn’t have to hide anything from. that’s why grace said “i tried for you.” bc she did +
she really tried to reciprocate zoë’s feelings but unfortunately she just didn’t feel the same way, and ultimately isn’t sexually attracted to women. and really what grace feared would come true, kinda did. even worse zoë found out grace had feelings for zig, who was in a +
relationship at the time. so what does zoë do? CONVINCE HIM TO HOOK UP WITH HER IN THE WOODS WHILE SHE FILMS IT AND THEN SHE SENDS IT TO GRACE. who then has to deal with the knowledge that the girl she was closest with, hooked up with the dude she has a crush on, who is +
dating one of her other close friends. i’m sorry, but grace was never the bad guy in that situation. and while yeah, her relationship with zoë did mend later, imagine finally getting close to someone after years of having no one like that and they do this shit to you
and don’t get me wrong here. i wanted them to work out. i wanted good things for both zoë and grace. what sucks is that just wasn’t each other, at least romantically. they both ended up in good endgame relationships & that’s what really matters.
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