Calling all #ActuallyAutistic #ADHD folks who ovulate/menstruate. I need your help.
I've been experiencing huge shifts in my ND symptoms/attributes that correlate with shifts in my cycle. I feel like I'm losing my mind/body.

Love hear from others with similar experiences.
First it seemed like my ADHD meds weren't working as well in the week before my period. Now it's like they don't work at all in that time.
I think PMDD fits, but my research also has me convinced that it's a condition largely experienced by NDs b/c of involved neurotransmitters.
This cycle is by far my worst so far. It was like Dr.Jekyll/Mr.Hyde. My period finally started (sort of), and I started to feel more me again.

But then it swung a little too far. I was more hyperactive yesterday w/pressed speech and fidgeting. My appetite was insatiable
I took a 5mg booster yesterday @ lunch but it doesn't usual feel that way. Today is weird and a bit scary. My brain feels like it's on fire. I'm way more sensitive to light, sound, smell. My heart feels like it's pounding out of my chest, but my heart rate doesn't feel elevated.
I thought I'd accidentally taken my concerta twice, but I'm fairly certain that isn't the case. I only had a little coffee (maybe 2oz out of my cup). I didn't sleep well (lay awake-ish from ~5-8). I ate breakfast. I went for a walk.

And now I'm lying on the floor trying to cope.
Is this premenopause for NDs? I'm 38, so it's not unlikely to hit at this age.

Is my brain broken? My neurotransmitters seem to be wildly variable, based off of what brain functions are involved.

What the hell is happening to me? Who do I talk to?

I need help.
Re: what I mentioned about thinking PMDD is a mostly ND thing.
Thank you everyone for your replies! I'm barely keeping up with reading them. I hope to be able to drop some replies later.
To everyone experiencing wild and distressful symptoms correlated to your cycle: I see you. I'm sorry the medical field is failing us so drastically.
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