We're probably going to receive a TON of free Airdrop $ moving forward.

Why? How to prepare? Let's discuss.

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2/ Win-win for reputable projects.

Costs them almost nothing as the market gives token value via price discovery.

Same effect of a project 'going public' on the stock exchange.

So for large projects with big user bases and no token.

A no brainer.

Eg, Metamask.
3/ 'governance token' seems to be the buzz word atm.

But it's a good way to get the community interested and give them some decision making power moving forward.

Increasing Community engagement along with making them some $.
4/ First to move in their category will make the biggest impact.

Wallets, NFT exchanges, DEX's etc.

$RARI & $UNI are great examples here.

Again, seems like a no brainer.

Granted they have a killer product so that activity and $ hopefully goes back into the ecosystem.
5/ What's the regulations here?

They're not selling anything, just giving people seemingly worthless tokens that the community buy and sell amongst each other.

Seems like little to no barrier.

Hence more will probably follow suit.
6/ Competitors need to make a move.

I feel we may see an airdrop war as projects throw tokens around to try incentivise, (buy back?) Their user base.
7/ How do we prepare?

Do we make 100 Metamask accounts?

Can you game this?

I don't think so.

Blockchain makes it easy to see who's activity fits the ideal userbase.

You can find all data on who invests in land, art, trades, pools, etc.
8/ I think 'aged' and active accounts are going to be extremely valuable.

As they've just been doing there thing. Pre $UNI airdrop when no one knew this was coming.

Especially accounts that have had a lot of $ move through them.
9/ Or maybe it doesn't matter.

Maybe it's in the projects best interest to give tokens to all 'users' even if they're completely new and have multiple account just for this reason.

Again, airdropping is pretty much free right? Minus gas ofcourse.
10/ Personally, will keep doing my thing.

Using projects within the ecosystem.

As new projects will identify my wallet as an active member in this area.

Thinking of it as a reward system for those active in this ecosystem.

Will try avoid Centralized options in any way.
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