You might notice I don’t talk about politics much. One reason is because my political viewpoint is Catholic & no political party fully represents the Catholic worldview. So you’ll never see me cheerleading for anything but Church teachings & Jesus. 1/4
Another reason is this—when I was an atheist politics became my god. I majored in political philosophy and constantly thought and talked about politics. This is not to say that politics aren’t important. But I am done putting politics before the Creator of the Universe. 2/4
If political discourse and developments often leave you feeling enraged, fearful, or hateful you might want to consider whether you have an inordinate attachment that’s unhealthy to your spiritual life. 3/4
Many saints endured worse circumstances than our country is currently in and they managed to do so with charity and grace. It’s possible. (With prayer, the sacraments, and regular breaks from social media.) God is greater than all this. And he is with us! 4/4
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