how bisexuality and pansexuality differ ~ 🌈a very long thread🌈 ~
💖💜💙bisexuality: the attraction to 2 or more genders
💖💛💙pansexuality: attraction regardless of gender; often called “gender blind”
note: I have some really fuckin amazing and supportive people in my life that are bi. They sure as hell support me so idk what the problem is with the rest of you. It’s not hard to leave someone be, especially if you don’t know why they identify the way they do.
People often may identify as pan because they like a more in depth label, or because they have negative feelings in some way towards the label of bisexual. It’s the same for bi people. Maybe they like it simple. Again, you never know.
Many bisexual people feel invalidated because they believe that taking the label of pan is telling them that they aren’t inclusive of trans people. That’s not true if you look back to the definition. The only difference is attraction.
Other bisexual people feel that being pan invalidated trans people, because of the “gender blind” aspect of being a pansexual. I firsthandedly can tell you that this isn’t true. Yes we can see your gender, but no it doesn’t make a difference in our attraction towards you.
This is also why pansexual people don’t have preferences. They love everyone. Bisexual people can lean towards boys, girls or trans people. Pansexuals can NOT.
anyways love who you love
The lgbt community has been oppressed for SO MANY years. Why do we have to have so much hate within the community? Solidarity is strength and a lot of people don’t seem to understand that.
if anyone has anything they’d like to have added, feel free to dm me :)
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