Me and @venturareport were at a BLM march in Washington D.C we were approached within minutes of the march starting. They proceeded to ask us why we were recording & who we were with. After finding out that we were journalists they started shoving and trying to grab us and
proceeded to assault us with umbrellas. They told us we aren’t allowed to film and I told them numerous times we’re in public. They screamed that we “need to get the f*ck out of here” and told @venturareport to take his bitch with him after repeatedly calling me a c*nt .
I was separated from @venturareport and they blocked me with their umbrellas and continued to try grabbing me as I tried to get back to my partner. We continued to try to do our job as they yelled to get the f*ck out of here. We stayed back a bit and eventually started to record
again after a protestor overheard a private convo between me and @venturareport he yelled to the crowd that we weren’t leaving because we were “standing our ground” they assaulted my partner and me once again, surrounding us, shoving us, and demanding me to put on a mask, I told
them they weren’t going to like my mask & they realized I had a “Trump 2020” one. They continued to hassle me especially after finding out it was a Trump 2020 mask and I told them simply “I like to breathe fresh air” and wouldn’t put on my mask.
We had a protestor deescalate the situation thankfully and the crowd ended up moving on.
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