Sometimes you have to move your box.

I bought the bounce off the the top box and if that stops out, I'll buy the 2nd box as well. If that stops out, then this shit goes back to like $3.70 and it will most likely struggle for strong upside = reduced volatility = done w/ it.
$UNI update

Current target blue box.
$UNI update

So.. we have an obvious bull div here now into support, can we get a fucking rally into an obvious level or are we going to that the crypto standard of up up up down down down and not provide any solid moves in between.

$UNI update

Should be sent from here.

Back below blue line and I'll prob bail near my entry price.
$UNI update

Reclaim blue line now and show some strength or I gotta be out. Last chance. I'm honestly impressed with the patience I've shown this trade and I'm trying to give it every last chance.
$UNI update

$UNI update

Still targetting blue box, want to see blue line hold.
$UNI update

It's been a longgggggggg night monitoring this trade, time for bed. Probably my longest thread ever about a trade as well.

Stop in profit somewhere below red. Will prob long 2nd gray box, will prob short blue box. Need vol to return or UNI margin meta is dead. GN
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