No thoughts only meme steal

(Art by @/tamatchi)
1. No official nicknames, but I call him Stinky and @HunterOfTheSky’s Norah prolly calls him st along the lines of “shithead”
2. Tall for a miqo! 5’7
3. Unknown! He left his tribe, but his parents were alive so it’s possible they had more after he left (was an only child at the time)
4. This mans and @StickyWhisker’s Shiro get blasted at the Golden Saucer
5/6/7. He pan, and no crushes bc he’s married to yshtola and thancred 😌
8. Obsessed with trying to buy Norah’s house...
9. His fav meal is good grilled-eel and steamed rice. Add-ins vary
10. His lil namazu henchperson, and an allagan melon
11. A nighttime stroll through the markets of Shirogane
12. Two on his face from a rough scuffle w another miqo in his teen years
13. Tataru, Norah (lol), Shiro. He’s actually a pretty lonely guy
14. Many, many, many financial competitors in Thanalan. Anyone who would hurt alisae/alphinaud
15. Tears of laughter last weekend at the Saucer
16. He dooooo
17. Lol gold
18. Orchids
19. Alisae (effectively adoptive daughter)
20. Cold climates suit him, but he does like a little island time now and again
21. No, he is kind of arrogant lol
22. With someone. He doesn’t like to feel alone/isolated
23. Embarrassingly (for him), not until he was 22. A first/last date w a sweet miqo girl, who gave him a pity peck
24. 2 pseudo adopted leveilleurs...
25. His mask. The gold details actually have crushed Bahamut scales mixed in
26. He is an open person, but true trust is very hard to earn from him
27. He endorses it wholeheartedly
28. He views each person, good or bad, as an important part of his journey
29. He gets pouty...
30. His first time interacting with the Scions. Helping establish supply chains for the recently liberated Ala Mhigans. The people he met that day...
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