Almost every f... day in Danish newspapers:

Look journalists, 2,690 more people died in Sweden (accounting for population) than in Denmark. What exactly are you thinking putting this on your front page as the most important news story?!?
What part of this graph (COVID deaths) don't you understand?!?

Which country would you rather be in. The country with the blue graph or the country with the red graph?
But, you say: "What about the economy?":

Okay, let's look at that:

GDP percentage change Q2 2020:
Sweden: -8.6
Denmark: -7.4

Both really bad, but no Sweden is not doing better.
I don't get this. Danish newspaper have this weird fascinating of telling the public that Sweden has somehow found the magic fix to COVID ... despite every single data point telling us that they haven't.

I mean... whut?!!?

Why are you doing this?
More here:
So, a person in the comments started talking about the 'impact on businesses' and how companies in Sweden had remained open the entire time.

Okay... well, let's check.

Here is a graph for the number of accumulated bankruptcies in Sweden (first graph) and Denmark (second graph)
Notice how we have actually had less bankruptcies in Denmark compared to last year ... whereas Sweden has had more.

However, there is one concern here. Denmark has maintained its level because the actual lockdown was very short (the full lockdown was only a month), and the Danish government put in place very strong levels of help to affected companies.
This is a problem because it has caused the government to build up debt, and this may cause a problem in the future. But for local businesses, things are not that bad.

This idea that businesses are better of in Sweden is not what we see in the data.
However, also see this thread about where we are compared to Sweden, and what may happen in the future:
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