I don't agree with the way the academic Left is always redefining words to try and reframe everyone's thoughts, but otherwise, they're onto something here.

Social democracy is feminine, and Trump style populism is masculine. https://twitter.com/alindguzik/status/1307363750459080708
What we're witnessing across the globe is a widespread and rather sudden recognition that feminism has failed EVERYONE.

It has failed women by making them miserable, and it has failed men by making them weak.

Everyone is unhappy with the political order that feminism created.
The sudden and accelerating return of traditional gender roles, of not just stay-at-home moms but homeschool moms -- this is exhilarating to watch.

And the fact that it's happening while men are getting red pilled en masse is amazing.
@jackmurphylive had an excellent thread a couple weeks back where he asked us to name our red pill moments. Reading that thread, one can see how disillusion with the feminist political order became the primary driver of this cultural moment. https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive/status/1301600734740389889
Check out this piece by Lyz Lenz, in which she makes clear that her husband financially carried her while she chased her dream, but that wasn't enough, she also wanted him to do their laundry and raise their children, and see the stark failure of feminism. https://www.glamour.com/story/it-took-divorce-to-make-my-marriage-equal
In the above piece Lenz is thrilled that the courts have ordered her husband to do 50% custody, but she never once mentions if the courts also ordered him to give her alimony and/or child support.

If he pays her a cent, their (failed) "marriage" isn't equal.
In red pill space online we saw an extraordinary influx in 2017 when MeToo hysteria hit.

Our little space where a couple thousand of us discussed evolutionary psych quickly became a mainstream space for all men who were desperate to understand WTF was happening.
As I watched that influx happen, I remember thinking "this will have cultural consequences."

You can't red pill millions of men without big cultural consequences.

Those consequences are here. The piece atop this thread tries to label those consequences as bad, but they aren't.
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