(1) ''Almost every day I see a boy, some fantastic-looking guy that makes my pulse quicken but also makes me want to cry, and it makes me feel sad. There's nothing in the whole world that caused me more hurt than this. Nothing.''. Fifteen years ago a 17 year old boy threw himself
(2) off the roof of a hotel, killing himself instantly from the height of the fall. His name was Campbell Bolton and he was a year behind me at school. The words above are from his suicide note. He couldn't imagine himself having a normal future, partners, marriage, maybe kids.
(3) Thank goodness that we've evolved so quickly in 15 years. How extraordinary and rapid that progress has been. So when I see Poland proposing "LGBT-free zones", even when I see thoughtless people say, "That's gay"... you're not just being thoughtless or prejudiced. Your words
(4) affect the way young people see their future, and the possibilities in their life. Your words can take a young person balancing on a knife-edge, and tip them over. Your words can kill. And when it's actions, like Polish and American conservatives, like thugs in this country
(5) who force two lesbian women to kiss on the bus for their amusement (before beating them up)... this isn't banter and it isn't rough-housing, it's sinister and it's murderous. So please be thoughtful, support LGBT people in your life with understanding and empathy, not
(6) stereotypes and crude jokes. Your words and actions matter. I'm old enough to remember that a single song like this was enough to make me feel okay, to feel normal. We did progress past those times, but we can never be complacent
@bollman_thomas @OliverMField (You're a bit young to remember this period Olly, nonetheless still relevant it seems given what's happening in Poland)
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