The clamor for Black Jesus.

The American Church is one which has a messy discriminatory history, from Slavery era, to Segregation, and even repressed Racism in Churches!

Sometime in the 60's Elijah Mohammed, MLK, Malcolm X and W.E.B Dubois (former president of the N.A.A.C.P)
were at the Frontline of the civil Rights movement.

But, it had a religious undertone as a result of the activities of Elijah Mohammed, in projecting Christianity as the religion with which the white man had oppressed the black man, and Islam was presented as the religion
For the Negro, albeit Elijah mohammed's version of Islam which placed him as the centerpiece of Civil Justice movement (the Islamic arm🌚).

Malcolm x was the more Evangelical disciple of Elijah, and thus spread this gospel thin, we however don't see him join hands with other
Civil rights advocates, solely on the basis of religion, his intents were pure, but he was deceived. I digress.

The Church was losing more black followers, soon after the assassination of King and Malcolm, it seems Christianity got some kind of revival, as the real essence of
Islam was exposed, and Jesus was seen as a morally upright purveyor of good tidings and teachings.

So, Jesus was easily the next recourse as opium (using Marx's phrase) for the black man.

However, years of slavery can't be discarded in a blink, so in a bid to be inclusive
Some black Christians, began to project the idea that Jesus was black, the actual full blown effect of this is that, It seems Jesus was being used as a tool by the black man, to assert authority over the white man (since he's believed to be black) rather than for inclusivity.
(this thread is already so long)

However, inclusiveness doesn't lie in the color of ones skin.

If it did, then Jesus would be For the Middle easterns alone.

The all inclusive status of Christ lies in the reconciliation agenda which he perfected, Jesus had to come one way
Or another, through one race or another. So, it would be foolish to elevate such race above the other (the Jews happen to be one of the most discriminated against for centuries).

Whether or not Jesus was black (I'm sure he wasn't black tho) it doesn't matter, he didn't come to
Make your race matter, but to make you matter in the ultimate Scheme of things, to give you meaning, give your life spice.

Don't ruin this experience by arguing over a tool of oppression.

Ire o!
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