"Our programmed beliefs about ourselves and our place in the world, dictate a large part of our health and happiness as well as our level of success."
"The challenge is the concept of self is often inauthentic or weak. To transform what you see on the outside, you've got to transform who you are on the inside."
"Most of us end up forcing the unacceptable parts of our personality into the shadows and we end up masquerading as a half baked version of ourselves. We embrace the qualities of our peers or the ideals of our parents all in an attempt to fit in and be accepted."
"Your first key to becoming who you really are is to learn who you really are. How do you do that? Shift your focus inward. Questions your thoughts and believe. Seek to discover your true self through inquiry."
"When we use our signature strengths more in our daily life, we can achieve authentic happiness, create more flow and a feeling that what we do in life matters."
"When you feel that your life has meaning and purpose, you take better care of yourself. You will express yourself more freely and you really start to feel happy and hopeful. These positive emotions and optimism go a long way toward setting you up for success [and] better health"
"When we are coerced to be something that we are not or forced to pursue goals that are not of our own choosing, we often take on the beliefs of others that can literally cause our own self rejection and self loathing."
"When we don't utilize or live up to our full potential, we risk becoming hopeless and depressed. We may be functional but not fulfilled. We may be successful but not satisfied."
"Authentic happiness and total wellness are your birthright."
Become who you really are.
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