why role playing a character of color as a white person is wrong, a thread:
when you are role playing a character, you are portraying them! the closest comparison i can think of is a white person playing bipoc in a movie or play (which, there are many instances of this). we all know (at least i hope we all know😟) that playing a- (1/4)
character that is bipoc as a white person is wrong, same thing applies to role playing. even though you aren’t *physically* playing a character, you are still portraying them. and you aren’t able to portray them correctly if you aren’t bipoc. however, if bipoc want to- (2/4)
role play as a white character, this does not have the same effect, similarly to how bipoc playing a white character in a film/play does not. (ex: halle bailey playing ariel, a character who was originally white). even though role playing a character of color as a white- (3/4)
person seems like less of a big deal than physically playing them on a screen or in a play, it still hurts bipoc when we see/know that characters of color are being inaccurately portrayed by a white person. (4/4)
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