The greatest pleasure comes from rejecting constant pleasure.

• Sex is better without porn.
• Health is better without junk.
• Food tastes better after fasting.
• Conversations are better without social media.
What if the amount of pleasure you experience in life is directly tied to the amount of suffering you're willing to experience?

What if the path to joy isn't removing everything that hurts you, but fully welcome & attacking the pain head on?
The problem with money, relationships, and status is that they delude you into thinking happiness is external.

They give you a quick hit of pleasure that makes you addicted to more.
But the problem is they don't lead to lasting happiness.

True fulfillment is all internal.
The battlefield starts in the mind. An undisciplined inner life leads to a chaotic and unhealthy outer life.

As philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once said, “he who cannot obey himself will be commanded.”

Self control is a superpower.
You're attacked from all directions by porn, social media, notifications, and sugar. Most people can't resist this temptation. And without self control, they become a slave to pleasure.

It’s a paradox, but the greatest pleasure comes from rejecting constant pleasure.
If you seek discomfort, you will unlock a door that makes you unstoppable.

Are you going to eat a steak, read a book, and get in the gym today?

Or are you going to sit on your ass, mindlessly consume, and inject yourself with one more dopamine hit?
If you aren't a disciplined eater, your foods will control you. If you don't discipline your mind, your thoughts will trap you. If you can't resist pleasure, your desires will destroy you.

Warriors are made on the days that feel most uncomfortable.
Turn your discomfort into your greatest fuel. And make embracing it your greatest addiction.
You can follow @KetoAurelius.
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