Today on Blue Jays Central (530 ET - @Sportsnet One):

Part 1 of a conversation between 2 of Canada’s best ever: Justin Morneau & Joey Votto.

They had a great back & forth about the science of hitting in this one & I’m going to share some background on this... (thread)
I suggested to Justin he ask about the #’s show Votto is pulling the ball more this season.

Joey shot it down. Said he hasn’t been that player since sitting down for a 3-game “benching” in late August.

Sure enough:
Votto then went on to say he wants to get the ball in the air more.

Sure enough:
Votto continued on his post-“benching” philosophy: he normally prides himself on low Ks but he was now willing to sacrifice some of those numbers to create more power (or ISO).

Sure enough:
As I’m sure @enosarris would attest (and I’ve always loved whenever those two spoke), I’ve never heard a player so in tune with who he wants to be as a hitter, and also the supporting numbers that show who he is as a hitter.
My favourite Votto quote from Part 1:

“All the very best hitters hit home runs. I don’t think there’s a single, high-end, really good hitter that doesn’t hit home runs. And I wasn’t doing that.

So now I’m going to do that.”
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