Anyone who has ever worked in an abortion clinic knows that tons of women who claim to be anti-abortion get abortions. They do a neat mental trick where *their* abortion is justified.
At the clinic I worked at we used to put a pink sticky note on their charts to give a heads-up to the back office staff. That way you'd be prepped for the hostility. I had a woman tell me I would burn in hell as I held her hand during her abortion.
Another woman refused to wait in the same waiting room as the other patients because she didn't think she was "irresponsible" the way they were. We obliged to protect our other patients from her hostility.
Yet another woman laughed and told the doctor performing her procedure that she thought he should go to jail. After he had performed the abortion, of course.
A woman became furious when we told her we needed consent to perform the abortion. She threw magazines from our waiting room at our staff after we told her we wouldn't do it without her signing consent forms. She tried to schedule with us several times. We kept referring her out.
My years working in the clinic made me realize that a lot of "pro-life" people are willing to make exceptions for themselves or their loved ones. They just lack the empathy to understand that everyone seeking abortions has the same need that they do.
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