In case you missed this the first 3 times I've said it online:

Marginalized folks do not need heros or cults of personality. We need actionable change and job equality. We need supposed allies to be as concerned with celebrating our communities as much as...
They spend defending them. We need White allies to stop speaking over and for BIPOC for social capital. And we all collectively need to stop rewarding this behavior.
If you are not as invested in our successes as much as you are invested in being perceived as a hero, please reinvest or leave. Fairweather allies concerned with their own clout are not welcomed on my timeline.
Last point: Digital boundaries are important. If you are spending NUMEROUS posts trying to play devil's advocate or try to tear down others don't be surprised when you're told to stop. You don't get to shout shittiness at people under the guise of "this is feedback".
Or "This is just my opinion" when your feedback or opinion was not created in good faith. People shouldn't have to deal with online abuse because you feel like you are entitled to give it. Invest in things, people, concepts in ways that aren't also creating harm.
You can follow @SurenaXMarie.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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