“Originality is dead”

No the fuck it isn’t. A long ass thread: Yes, we have heard the save the world tale over and over. But there are different ways to tell the same story. (1/ a lot)
Different characters, worlds, cultures, enemies, mood/tone, writing, text, music, traversing, battles scenarios, or even a different story.
There are so many ways to make a game unique and I just don’t think it’s being capitalized on – *usually* with AAA titles. Stories don’t always have to be grand. Sometimes it can simply stick to the theme or war between two countries. Or put a emphasis on personal stories
Or tell a narrative on a smaller scale that will leave an impact just as big as a grand adventure. Gris, a tale about finding your voice in a sea of your depression. Sayanora Wild Hearts, a rhythm game about heartbreak, loving yourself, and *I* think has an LGBT+ tone.
Unique text goes a long way, even if it’s for a brief moment in the game. Or if it’s hard to read it still weirdly makes it memorable.
How you explore the world can also make your game pop from the rest. Zipping through stages as Dandara, Nights majestically flies, through levels, Instead of flight you FALL everywhere in Gravity Rush, or simply traveling in a Mech
This is a harder one, but not impossible. A unique battle system that’s more than button mash, or simply taking turns. Raidant Historia, you move enemies across the board, TWEWY has you managing two screens, Legend of Dragoon for quick timed button presses.
Enemies, there are so many directions! A more comedic band of no good doers such as Dragon Quest. Or maybe have limited enemies, like the moving mountains of Shadow of the Colossus. Enemies from various cultures like SMT. Maybe enemies have a life and character build into them.
The World; Setting. I swear to fuck if I see a bland ass Earth/Wind/Water/Fire divided I’m gonna lose it. There is more beyond the elements I promise you. Different eras, cultures, dimensions or hell worlds may even collide.
Dungeon/Towns deigns are a part of world. We’ve all been to a cave, a forest, a tower. So make it unique or, maybe change how we travel ordinary lands.
Sometimes I think both developers and consumers forget, the ENTIRE game doesn’t have to be original. But altering a single piece of your game inadvertently changes the entire experience. This is a spicy one - but your main character doesn’t need to be a white male.
NOW LETS BE CLEAR, there is obviously nothing wrong with being a white/light skinned male. Nearly all of my favorite games I am a white dude (BoF3, Zelda, FF9, Graces F, Nier, Wild Arms, Mario, Xenoblade 1) And I wouldn't not *not* buy a game because of a characters skin tone.
Someone visually different could garner attention, and simple change of who I’m playing can drastically affect the experience. Have a personality too. And while I’m here the do-gooder hero type is overrated. :P
An upcoming indie game I am excited for soley because of it's originality is: Kingdoms of the Dump. Your main character is a trash can, & the world is a giant dumpster. Seeing the enemies push that toxic narrative looks AWESOME. This game is PROOF that originality isn’t dead.
At the end of the day devs, write the story you want too. Create the characters you desire. I'm not one for pandering, and this isn't meant to be an attack of any sort.

I hope simply any creator takes a step back and challenge their art to be more.
I’ve played a lot of games and lately I find myself wants beyond. Hopefully this ramble will help some devs rethink their ideas, and maybe strive for a slice of originality. (Congrats you made it to the end!)
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