Thread for anyone who recently followed me...
If you follow me, please listen carefully. I have picked up a massive (for me) number of follows in the last few days. There are things you should know...
1. I ain't the average woman.
2. Like ogres and onions, I have layers.
3. One or more of those layers will offend you.
4. When it does, I will not weep, for I own who I am, and all of who I am.
5. Technically, I am still a "Republican".
6. I have also been a "Democrat".
At one time or another both parties have betrayed me. I have never voted a straight party line ticket in my life.
7. I consider Trump a treasonous MF...and feel pretty much the same about the current GOP.
8. That doesn't mean I don't see serious issues in the Dem party.
9. Currently, the Dems are far less of a threat to our Republic - doesn't make them all Saints.
10. I will vote All Blue in this election.
11. I think of myself as a "thinking moderate" who believes no political party has a total monopoly on good ideas.
12. Political parties are a bad thing, as many of the Founders warned. They inherently bend toward "party over country
13. They are a big part if why we find ourselves mired in this utter duster clucking disaster.
14. I follow and converse with those I disagree with as well as those I do. Failure to do so leads to intellectual and moral atrophy IMNSHO.
15. I am not going to follow or block anyone in the Twitterverse simply because someone else in the Twitterverse says I should.
16. Scattered around the Twitterverse you will find pics of my old woman legs and cleavage.
17. My sense of humor can be...umm...offensive to some.
18. I am a person of faith, though many of my beliefs are way outside the mainstream of Christianity as it is generally considered in the current era. Quite honestly, I take pride in being considered a heretic by many of my pompous assed brethren.
19. I love animals, but prefer dogs to cats.
20. I try to take the words of others in the spirit in which they are intended.
21. Life is to short to stay in a job you truly hate, live with someone who doesn't treat you decently, or engage in boring sex.
In conclusion, I am me. No more, no less. I welcome you to my world. Should I say something that disturbs you, feel free to discuss it with me. Chances are, if you do, you will find there was more substance there than you thought, and perhaps what you heard wasn't what I meant
We both might actually learn something. But if you are too narrow to dialogue, listen, and think, just unfollow me now. If any of the things pointed out above is more than you can handle, please leave. If me being who I am, and endeavoring to learn, grow, connect is something
You just can't comprehend and respect, well...goodbye. If you are planning to convert me into a partisan ideologue or religious fundamentalist, get the hell off my page of the Twitterverse. Now.
Otherwise...welcome. I look forward to getting to know you.
And always remember point number 1...
I ain't the average woman. Not. Even. Close.
You can follow @realrachelhorne.
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